TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - thats because this is a car forum, not a hot chick forum
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Subject thats because this is a car forum, not a hot chick forum
Posted by Spee on April 18, 2011 at 9:02 PM
  This message has been viewed 225 times.
In Reply To Some of you guy on here like fat chicks, you dont see me mak posted by TTNIckdizzle on April 18, 2011 at 03:42 PM
Message if it was, and you posted pics of a fat chick, you better expect some shit. So yes, your wheels are the equivalent to a fat chick on this forum.

As for the bag comment and the tires going the wrong direction...those were comments about the yellow 350 that FuerGrissa posted. Which brings us back to the "effing stupid" portion of our presention. You qualify.

As for trying to justify your "OMG like super stretched" tire purchase...ya can't. It looks like ass and will perform pretty much the same. And your reasoning behind dropping it to the ground is also effing stupid.

Seriously dude. the wheels are badass. Your Z is nice. Get it some proper rubber so it doesn't look like Mr. T with elf shoes on.

AIM: sbsTT14

PETZ member #4

'91 300ZX TT Stage V+
'96 Jeep Cherokee Sport

"also tired of ppl driving in a straight line for 1/4 mile and thinkin they're hot shit" - hey GotBo0st 22:17:26 09/26/04

"Moral of my night, fucking young people who inheret money, and dont know shit, but think they do are dumb fucks." - suprakillinz 02:37:37 07/02/05

"You are stupidier than dirt." - AzHeat 21:23:10 08/05/04

"Welcome, and I'd listen to Spee" - BigTDogg (MA) 18:21:41 02/17/04

"SCORE: Spee=1 The rest of us=0 (n/m)" - jaymztt(seWA) 19:17:12 07/23/04

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